Tag: Assault Weapons Ban

Ammunition and Magazine recommendations

Lots of hype concerning ammunition and magazines these days.  With some lawmakers pushing to restrict online ammo sales and magazine capacity (in some states this has already happened) the market and consumers have both reacted.  Supplies are slim, with “in stock” notification emails going out and quantities being snatched up in mere minutes.  Prices are …

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Concealed Carry: You’re doing it wrong.


My brother is a college student who lives several states away from me. He sent me a photo via text last night which is worth sharing.   I will do my best to relay the sequence of events as they were described to me, as you can imagine I had quite a few questions for …

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The cost of gun control, what happens when you stay silent.

Come and take it

We know there are those within our government who want to strip us of our right to bear arms.  It has been rumored that since the re-election Senator Feinstein has started working on her new glorious Assault Weapons Ban (version 2). Apparently Senator Feinstein’s current plan would not only further restrict the permissible features (by removing …

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Update: Post election gun / magazine / ammo prices.

Eight days ago I made a post which has turned out to be insanely popular, one of the most linked to items on this site.  I decided to track the pricing and availability of a few popular guns, magazines and bulk ammunition directly before and after the election.  It was just a fun exercise as I …

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