Security System Risks During Power Outage

By Clayton

You’ve done everything right when it comes to protecting your home from unwelcome guests. You had a reliable home security system installed, you put the security system yard sign out front, and you always make sure the system is engaged before leaving the house. Nonetheless, there may be some factors you haven’t considered yet. Generally, when the security system sign is in your yard, burglars don’t mess with your home. During a power outage, however, burglars often take this as a sign that your home can more easily be broken into.

To prepare for possible burglaries during power outages, you need to make sure your system will work even with the electricity doesn’t. The first thing you will want to do is check on how long your security system can last without power. If your system has back up battery power, it can generally stay on for at least a few hours, and many have a 24-hour guarantee. After that, however, you are on your own.

Alarm Backup Battery

Alarm Backup Battery

One way to keep your home secure is to keep at least one set of replacement batteries for your system. When the power goes out, regularly check the system to see if it is still working. Once it has died, replace the batteries as soon as possible and keep an eye on how long they keep your security system powered. This method will only work if you are at home during the outage and you have the appropriate amount of batteries on hand.

Transfer Switch: Image courtesy

Transfer Switch: Image courtesy

If you want to guarantee your security system will continue to work no matter what the circumstances, you many want to look into a home generator. There are a variety of generators available to you, and each one bears a different purpose for different people. If you only want your security system to continue to have power and nothing else, a small home generator will likely suffice. This type of generator typically can host anywhere from 8 to 12 circuits. [PJ Adds: A great way to do this is via a dedicated transfer switch with the house alarm on one of those circuits, this vs running a bunch of extension cords into the home]

If you want something a little more powerful to keep you and your family safe and comfortable, you may want to purchase a larger home generator. This will not only keep your home security system up and running, it will also keep electricity running through your entire house, as if the power wasn’t out at all. This can also help deter burglars, as seeing lights on in the house will make them much less likely to bother you and your family.

If you choose not to take the larger home generator route, make sure you have flashlights and other light sources ready to go in case of a power outage. As stated earlier, a house that has lights clearly displayed will be much less attractive to burglars than a house that is completely dark.

Having a home security system is a big step in the right direction when it comes to keeping you and your family safe. Putting a plan in place for power outages to keep your security system working will ensure your home’s safety in any event.

This Article was written by Clayton Preble, owner and operator of GenSpring Power and in Jasper, GA. Clayton is an expert when it comes to anything about standby and backup home generators, and loves sharing his expertise with others. 


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  1. Very helpful tip. Some homeowners are not really prepared when it comes with power outage – risking their home security.

    • Roger on February 19, 2016 at 7:36 PM
    • Reply

    On the other hand, does obviously having power when your neighbors don’t make you a target? Does it say there’s something worth stealing here; like a generator? In a SHTF situation, what does a security system do, alert the police, who are probably already overloaded with calls; assuming they haven’t already decided to go home and take care of their own! Perhaps a large dog and a 12 gauge is a better security system! Remember, the police aren’t required to protect you, they might be there afterward to investigate the crime after the fact! A little late to do you any good, especially after a SHTF. (GLAHP)

  2. You share very good information to secure a home. Thanks and much appreciated.

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