Prepper Updates (Week of 20 Jan 2020)

What’s up guys!  Been traveling over the last week and quite honestly couldn’t find the time to sit down and blog, my latest article covers some of it so check it out.  I must say that I flew Southwest for most of the journey but also had a 3 hour flight on United where I flew first class, without a doubt the SW experience was better than the United experience – this coming from someone who flies quite frequently.

Quite a bit going on in the news these days, something about Impeachment or a gun rally in Virginia, the Royal family and some breakup and who knows what else.  I tend to give most of that a cursory glance, to be honest I don’t care about the impeachment or the gun rally, not a particular fan of Trump but I did see a bunch of overweight folks in Tennessee all outside chain smoking cigs with their Trump 2020 hats on.  Classic.  My thoughts are this, if you are hardcore into one side or the other you have bigger problems than your political affiliation.  I’m rather impartial and like it that way.  Let’s check out some headlines.

Pro Gun Rally in VA – NO Opinions changed

Apparently lots of folks with guns converged upon the Capitol (or similar) in VA to protest gun control measures.  Here is what did not happen: politicians looked out the window and changed their minds.  I remember reading an article once about the Iraq war buildup in 2002/2003 and over 2 million protested in the UK, guess what…it still happened.  All of those protesters went back to their jobs and the politicians went back to work, not a single opinion changed.  These are facts.  I don’t know about you but wandering around some protest with an AR slung over my shoulder is not my idea of a good time.

Impeachment Trial Stuff

Who cares.  Next.

You Aren’t Capable Of What You Think You Are

A large part of preparedness is one’s physical health.  I’ve written about this at length, if one is overweight or just skinny fat and can’t run around the block without tossing up a lung that is a detriment.  I recently sparred with this dude at a jiu-jitsu academy who was clearly overweight, skilled but fat.  I withstood his attacks for about 5 mins and once he was completely gassed I went to work.  Strength, stamina / endurance win the day.  Ignore that at your own peril, the idea that one will sit up in a tree an simply snipe people (I knew this completely overweight dude who said that) is laughable at best.



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  1. When one is 76 and has Diabetes BUT not overweight, there is only so much physical activity he or she can do. I spent 12 years in Special Forces and have the skill and mindset to carry on but have low endurance. What’s a old snake eater to do?

      • PJ on January 23, 2020 at 8:48 PM
      • Reply

      Community wins the day. Get some young bucks around you to do the heavy lifting, at this point you should be on staff issuing the orders and ensuring others execute them. Cheers.

    • Roger Jensen on January 25, 2020 at 2:22 PM
    • Reply

    Pushing 60 and I used to run marathons and lift weights, but those days are over. I still do my daily stretching and exercise routine and work 40+ hours at a physical job and I can walk 20 miles on the tread mill with a 45 pound pack (BOB) without being too sore the next day, granted at only 3.5 miles pre hour. My point is that the grey in my beard doesn’t make me a victim because I don’t have a visible six-pack or pack a CCW weapon, don’t judge a book by its cover. As for the patriots in Virginia, at least they are trying to stop or at least slow down the steady slid down the toilet that this country has been engaged in for way too long. When bad becomes the norm than it’s taking for granted, and that a very dangerous thing! About the ‘impeachment’, also known as the latest dog-and-pony show, there is really no real difference between Republic Rats and DemoCraps, they are all rich A-wipes pushing for personal power at the expense of the rest of us. The reason the DemoCraps are pushing this isn’t because they expect to get the 22 Republic Rats needed to vote against a standing Republican president, but they think they can discredit Trump enough to win the next election! And of course it’s the tax payers footing the bill as always. It’s about balance, both feet can’t step at once. Sorry for the length of this tirade so I’m shut up (for now) and tell you how I appreciate this site, Thank You! GLAHP!

      • PJ on January 25, 2020 at 8:20 PM
      • Reply

      Thanks for taking the time to comment!

      I think we sling the word patriot around quite a bit, loose definition I suppose. Showing up to wave flags and shout things to people who aren’t listening before heading back to work on Monday – as in not one mind was changed that day – really does not resonate with me. That’s just me though, good for them I suppose.

  2. I’m with Roger on the grey. Most folks don’t give me a second look. Would never guess what I am capable of. Although sometime the grey makes me look like an easy target. Stay alert! Sounds like Roger could get home or to safety. 3.5 an hour not bad at all. Retired Army friend says only 7 miles a day on the AT!!! Would like to hike it with Roger.
    Got in some water purification items today. Building my shelter in place stock. Also stuff for auto. Survival of bug out on auto!
    As far as government is concerned. No one in DC ever did anything for i. Self e!p!Todd all my life. Guess you could say my party is Individualism.

  3. Self employed all my life. Darn spell check! LOL!

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