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What did you do in relation to Prepping today?

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    Today I dumped 3 five gallon gas cans into my truck, took them to the gas station and re-filled them. Gotta cycle through the gasoline every few months just to make sure it stays fresh. Realistically a generator with 6 gallons in it and an extra 15 isn’t that much in the way of preparedness….but I bet it is better than 95% of what most of my neighbors have. In the event of a short term SHTF and gasoline shortage (ice storm, wind storm) I’ll be good to go for a week.

    Also made sure all vehicles were topped off, but that is standard stuff.


    For me and mine, it is time to start harvesting in the garden. I don’t have a vey large one but am bringing in and drying various cooking herbs, peppers and a few other things. Also got a load of scrap wood from a friend who does woodworking as a hobby. can’t cook with it but it will provide warmth if needed.

    Capt. Mac.

    Boxed up another 20 liters of water. For a few years have been buying wine in boxes. They have a 5 liter liner (that I assume is food grade). Its not bad wine. Having a 50 gallon barrel of water is all well and good but not very portable should that need arise. Same with those bath tub liners.

    Was looking at the dates of the older boxes and see I’ll have to dig them out soon and recycle the H2O.

    I also have one of these wine bladders in my BoB Very handy if I want to store / transport water at a camp site. I mascaraed (with 550 cord) to carry it.

    Capt. Mac.
    Pandemonium Airlines
    “Nobody loves you, or your money, more than Pandemonium”.


    Got a line on an inexpensive rain barrel. I believe it was 165 gallon. Went over some pistol techniques with my mom. The riots and small patches of weirdness since, have her shook up and she’s been practicing. I may have a line on a wood stove, I’d like to get one before winter incase the power goes out again but this winter I’ll have a new born.

    Capt. Mac.


    Sounds to me like the reason you have one in the hanger is because the power went out too many times last year. Forget my post (elsewhere) about entertainment when the power is gone.

    Capt. Mac.
    Pandemonium Airlines
    “Any personal belonging left onboard the aircraft will appear on eBay tomorrow.”


    Haha, might be so.

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