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The Command Center is nice

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    I’m sitting in my office on my laptop. It’s almost 11pm outside, and downstairs I hear my German Shepherd start to get agitated. He lets out a few barks and growls…not something he normally does. I glance to the right of my screen at the quad screen next to it, cameras which are trained on the exterior of my house. Nothing happening, all is good.

    Think something like that is expensive? It’s really not and I wrote about it here:


    Very nice. My goal is to save for a system for next year. This has been a bad year financially.


    Im with E5C on that, funds have been a bit tight for me, as well. I am interested in a security camera system, though. I have been debating between larger, more visible cameras, or a more hidden camera.

    What are your thoughts on these types? One offers visibility as a deterrant, the other could possibly be more effective as they are not as easily spotted.


    A couple of things I had to consider when looking for a system

    1- Affordability. Obviously I wasn’t prepared to lay out thousands of dollars for a dedicated system

    2- Good reviews. Lots of systems which were in the $500-$1000 range had terrible reviews.

    3- Ease of setup and use. I’m not into drilling holes into my home and running 57 cables all over the place, junction boxes and all sorts of other stuff. I wanted something I could set up in 10 minutes.

    4- Weatherproof exterior cameras. While not covert or hidden, I wanted cameras that would do well in rain or harsh conditions, thus far these have held up. I like the visible deterrent, much better than the covert option.


    Forgot to mention, remote viewing was HUGE to me. I can easily log in from my phone and view the cameras in real time, AND hit record if I need to.


    My eaves are pretty low, so I was hoping to conceal as much as possible. Just so they don’t get knocked down. I am planning on buying the “regular exposed” cameras and tucking them under the overhang on the side rake, just enough so only the lens sticks out. Might work, might not. I’ll have to get creative. Running wires for me is tough because I have vaulted ceilings throughout.

    Besides having a tough year and this city house rehab taking forever, the city house was broke into. When they stole the only 15′ of copper in the house, they stole the water shutoff as well. Flooding the house for at least 5 hours. They also stole about 800-1000 bucks worth of my tools. It’s going to be a bit before I get a camera system.


    Dude, that’s rough. Hate to hear that happened to you.


    I appreciate that man. Just keep moving you know. Stare at your feet and tell them to take that next step, it’s not time to drop my pack yet.

    All subs and material are paid and I’m not in debt, could be worse.

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