2020 Election Predictions (Read: Chaos)

I was on the phone with my dad earlier this evening and we were discussing the upcoming elections, it’s my belief what we are seeing currently is a precursor to some pretty heavy events that are going to stress the fabric of our nation to its very core.  So far most of us have been able to avoid the violence and upheavals that have hit around the country, I don’t think that will be the case in November.   Do I think we’ll see mass armed (and sustained) conflicts with big casualty counts and black helicopters with snipers taking out the dissidents?  No…I don’t think it will come to that but I do believe the events will be bad enough to impact all of us in some respect and be a catalyst for even more hardships.

This is the point where I tell you that I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, if you’ve been following for a while you probably knew that but I thought to put that out there right away.  I’m not an enormous fan of our current administration and I certainly am not a fan of Biden et al.  I believe if one does choose a team and roots for said team (“I’m a die hard Republicrat”), you’re already part of the matrix and hope is mostly lost for you but that plays into my theory of why this November will be so tough.  Never before (in my lifetime) have we been so divided, never before has either side been so sure of their righteous cause, never before  have people been so willing to take to the streets to burn shit down.  Ladies and germs, this does not end well for anyone.

Course of Action 1: Biden wins

I’m sure many of you have seen it, but Trump did come out and state that the only way for him to lose the election is if it was rigged / fraud.

“We have to win the election. We can’t play games. Go out and vote. Do those beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged,” Trump told the group of supporters at the outdoor campaign event. “Remember that. It’s the only way we’re going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful.”

Think about that statement and the precedent it sets, any loss means fraud or that it has been rigged.  So essentially he wins or he wins, no matter what the actual results state and you best believe his base will run with that until the bitter end.  What if Obama or Clinton had made that statement?  Hardcore republicans would have flipped their shit calling them oath breakers and traitors and that nobody is a king but since Trump made the statement….all is good bro.

Here’s the significance in that statement and the result, should Trump lose there will be an uprising.  His base will call fraud and also call for him to stay in office.  There will be marches and most of them will be heavily armed, there will be calls for justice and possibly a revolution to “take back our country.”  Those marchers will clash with the folks who have been already protesting and rioting and if you think they are coming to a gun fight with baseball bats and knives you are sorely mistaken.  The bravado of the 3% type crowd combined with their willingness to utilize violence and/or deadly force plus what we have already witnessed the current rioter types do will be nothing short of chaos.  I don’t care how much body armor and AR15’s they have – along with the Gadsden flag waving the “Patriots” do, the first time one of their buddies catches a round to the face it’s going to be a wake up call.  Everyone wants to be a gangster until it’s time to do gangster shit.  Big facts.

Course of Action 2: Trump wins

We’ve seen a small sampling of what this can look like already in most of our larger cities.  FWIW and just for the record, George Floyd was murdered and those cops who did that to him deserve to spend the rest of their collective lives in jail.  My brother in law is black (not that it makes me know what it’s like to be black in America) and I’ve spoken at length with him or even Special Operators in the SF community who are black and if you didn’t know it yet…America still has serious racist tendencies.   Again I’m not black but I’m also not white and I can tell you growing up I too experienced this in some form.  I’ve had my bicycles stolen, car(s) keyed or vandalized, equipment in school pissed on, been in fights, been threatened and called all sorts of names.  I’ve lived in a town where there was 1 black man and besides that, we (my mom and I) were the only non-whites in the entire town. I had white relatives growing up that still referred to black people as n***ers… and I suspect maybe some of you had the same experience.  I state all that because I can empathize with the agenda and I do support the legitimate marches calling for change, however I do not support the violence that came along with it.  I digress.

I wanted to frame all that up because if Trump does win there are going to be riots like we have never seen in most major metropolitan areas and which will probably bleed over into the surrounding suburbs.  These riots will be met by the group that I mentioned in COA 1 and folks it won’t be good.  Law enforcement is in no way equipped to handle civil unrest on this scope or scale and it will unfortunately only enable the chaos.  I have a buddy who is a cop here in our largest city and he told me last night that a group of vets and others were supposedly going out to meet rioters head on with the willingness to do violence.  Nobody wins in that scenario, I don’t care what side you are on.

How I’m Preparing

I hope that by reading this all of you can understand that truly it does not matter who wins this election, either way it’s going to set off a spark in a room filled with gas (provided by the media) which will ignite chaos like we have yet to see.  We are two months away from this moment and if you are paying attention you’ll notice that all of the pieces are being laid into place sequentially and not by accident.  Personally I want nothing to do with violence or protests or any of this mess, I served my country as both an NCO and Officer for almost 23 years having been to war zones multiple times and I’m over it.  There is a reason I chose to live up here in the mountains 50 miles from the city, miles off of dirt roads bordering a National Forest as sometimes it’s best to keep one’s head down.  For those who might wonder, here is a short bullet point list of things I’m doing over the next few months.

  • Any and all home maintenance to prepare for winter
  • Vehicle maintenance, moving up timelines on getting things like tires or brakes done
  • Finances: No large purchases and diversifying assets (like having cash / coins on hand or similar)
  • Vehicle prep, think get home equipment or even items for civil unrest (full face respirators, body armor)
  • Firearms training.  I’m not looking for a fight and will drive 100 miles out of my way to avoid one but if left with no other option, it’s best to be polished and very aware of one’s capabilities
  • Community.  This should be #1 but I’ve been talking to a few close friends up here and we are setting some contingencies in place just in case.  Nothing crazy like underground bunkers, more like if T SHTF where are we going to source our Bourbon…

What if I’m Wrong?

You know what, I think that would make me very happy.  I was recently texting one of my good friends who is a current member of the US Congress and I was pondering how am I supposed to vote when I’m not sure I like either candidate.  That being said if I was forced to choose, I’ll take Trump over Biden any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  With that in mind I hope I’m all wrong with this and just some idiot blogger who has no actual idea wtf is going on in the world.  If the election passes and it’s all peace and quiet and most of us dancing barefoot through the tulips then I’ll gladly admit that I’m an idiot.  I don’t want the violence and I don’t want the chaos but my entire adult life I’ve been trained to prepare for the worst and there is something inside of me that knows this will be an event of epic proportions.

Final Thoughts

There are several well known bloggers out there in the preparedness community that preach doom and gloom constantly and by that I mean, every post.  Sometimes I wonder if they are the type who you could give a million dollars to and still be sad because the glass is always half full.  I’m not trying to be that type of person here but I’d rather get some of these thoughts out there in case some of you might have similar.

As a final note and point of interest, my grandfather is my hero and was a true Patriot and his exploits in WW2 were legendary (in my mind) and I think he would weep for our nation right now if he were still alive.  I do my best to honor his legacy but know that there are much bigger things at play here than politics or some election.  Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.


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    • richie on August 24, 2020 at 7:05 AM
    • Reply

    thank you.

    • keebler on August 24, 2020 at 7:07 AM
    • Reply

    thank you.

      • JC on August 24, 2020 at 10:13 AM
      • Reply

      The current riots are happening in cities with Democratic Party mayors. Some AG’s and prosecutors have been put in place with Soros funding (strategically I might add) so they determine who gets taken to court and who is allowed free. Michelle Obama threatened that the rioting can and will get worse (if they do not get their way). The democrats are attempting to set up the judicial system to punish their enemies in a widespread way. A person can lose their life savings and spend years defending themselves in courts. If Biden loses the angry ones are likely to be violent and claim they are justified. I think the chance if civil unrest is greater if Trump wins. If Biden wins we lose our country to socialism and experience great hardship and poverty nationwide for possibly generations. Years ago people of both parties had the same end goals just different ideas of how to get there. Now, Democrats no longer value the end goals citizens of this country have always valued-they are Progessive. Glad to hear you are voting for Trump!

        • PJ on August 24, 2020 at 12:20 PM
        • Reply

        Thanks for the comment…while I did say if I had to choose I’d take Trump over Biden that doesn’t mean I’m voting for him. 🙂

    • David on August 24, 2020 at 10:31 AM
    • Reply

    Good post. Disagree with you on trump vs. Biden. Biden isn’t perfect but trump is hell-bent on destroying our democracy and becoming king. It doesn’t help that trump is such a disgusting human being. Regardless, anyone promoting violence, on either side, should be renounced by every decent human being. And anyone advocating civil war is a traitor. Whether in 1860 or today. Period.

      • PJ on August 24, 2020 at 12:21 PM
      • Reply

      Yea I’m not sure on these people who scream about civil war…who knows. And definitely ok to disagree.

    • J on August 24, 2020 at 1:36 PM
    • Reply

    I have been of the same mind for the last few months. I don’t think that it matters who wins, it will be an excuse for people to try to blow the lid off things. Fortunately, for me and mine, we live in a small town so we should be away from anything like that should it happen.

    I have voted Libertarian for the last several elections as I could not stomach any of the candidates offered by the 2 major parties; my own way of saying “none of the above” and still vote. I am not pushing this idea but would offer it for consideration for any in the same dilemma.

    I am concerned that things will get worse before they get better for us. I hate to be a Doomsayer but this is what I honestly see happening.

    Hopefully, all the hate and discontent will burn itself out sooner rather than later.

  1. I’m trying to stay calm and discrete with my prepping. I lived through the racial riots in the 60’s & 70’s. Was caught in the middle of a firey, glass breaking, fighting one in Atlanta. I never want to see that again. I know a storm of some sort is coming. I have a coup!e of neighbors on board but new city folks moving here seem pretty clueless. Although they are trying g to escape the city. A plus for them I guess!
    I belong to what I call the Realist Party!
    Being able to take care of yourself and family is in my farmer
    blood. Doing the best I can, sometimes with ridiculed and name calling from within my own household. Obsessed, crazy, acting stupid? Sad, but I persevere. Not speaking to anyone at this time. Just continuing what is necessary. Preacher says, Do what makes you happy everyday. So I am.! It’s everyone else is not happy with me and my efforts wait till TSHTF and see what the attitude is then. Pray for my son who is with DNR but part of Homeland Security. He will be called into the city is and when riots take place just !like last time. It’s going to be a mess!

      • J on August 24, 2020 at 2:28 PM
      • Reply

      I haven’t spoken with anyone that doesn’t expect SOMETHING to happen but most aren’t sure what it might be. I have offered a few passing comments that I think it might be a good idea to at least have a plan if something bad happens around them. I am happy to say that 1 or 2 have taken that idea seriously.

      1. I have offered suggestions also that have been well received by my farmer relatives. We are not and obcessed, crazy bunch of nut cases, afraid the sky will fall! Just want to live every day to the fullest and stay safe in our own homes! Not too hard to do it you stay prepared. Hang in there Prepper friends, we’ve got this and God is on our side!

    • Amanda on August 26, 2020 at 12:21 AM
    • Reply

    We are contingency planning with our young adult daughters. The eldest (22 next month) is living in Atlanta in an area that will see violence no matter who wins. She will head to my parents in the suburbs the day before the election and stay there. Youngest (19) is in college in Texas. Still figuring that one out.
    As for us at the base of the mountains, we are getting house stuff done, pressure canning like it’s going out of style, and firearm training.

    1. Your daughter in Atlanta needs to get out before the election I’m a 7th generation Atlantan, Cochran Shoals my family. Indian trading post in the 1700’s. Farmed West Paces Ferry where the Governor’s Mansion is. I was caught in 72 on Spring Street in the middle of a riot. We were terrified coming out of the 1St National Bank Tower. Today thugs are patrolling with guns. Throwing bricks off the interstate bridge. Left 8 years ago due to crime & traffic. Urging everyone I know to leave. The Mayor can have the city as far as I am concerned. It’s going to go broke anyway because no conventions or big businesses are coming to the violent downtown anymore!
      You can’t give away all those condos at Atlantic Station now! No one is going to venture out for anything! Dangerous times!

        • Amanda on August 30, 2020 at 9:45 PM
        • Reply

        5th generation Atlantan but left in 2004! Grew up off W Paces Ferry, went to North Atlanta High, my dad went to Northside and we both had the same English teacher! She recognized my name on Day 1. My first real job was in an office on Spring Street. Funny coincidences! We are definitely getting both girls out. Thanks for the heartfelt reply, I always enjoy your comments!

    • Roger on August 28, 2020 at 9:18 PM
    • Reply

    Amanda please heed LakesideSusan’s advice and get both your girls home at least a week before the elections. History shows that the troubles WILL escalate just before the elections making safe travel unsure! I’m afraid that a civil war is imminent no matter what. The divisions are too great and quite frankly perhaps its for the best. The great social experiment that is America shall come to an end as all things do and perhaps several new nations would be a better fit then the melting pot/powder keg that currently exists. All empires fall from within! Please everyone take care and don’t be afraid or ashamed to do what must be done! In the end, no one can rely on a government that always thinks of itself first and foremost. IMHO, there are no real differences between parties; they are all groups of rich and powerful people who’s goal is and always has been to get richer and more powerful no matter what. Perhaps a true democracy shall arise from the ashes of this fire storm! I hope and pray so! GLAHP! (Good Luck and Happy Prepping!)

      • Amanda on August 30, 2020 at 9:47 PM
      • Reply

      Yes, you’ve definitely articulated my fears. Thanks for the reply!

  2. Thanks Roger, I was afraid I had over stepped the boundaries of the reason for this site. I feel really bad for the fine people who have tried to make Atlanta a great melting pot of races, cultures and religions. As we call them Uncle Bernie built the beautiful Aquarium & the Trama center at Grady Memorial. No one wants to go to the Aquarium and the trouble makers fill the trama center. Uncle Arthur built us a beautiful world class football stadium but lots of folks were afraid to go for fear of being mugged. The new Braves stadium is safer but the virus has stopped all sports. Isolating inside the city limits has to be hell! We are seeing a mass exodus of sensible people. So sad! It used to be such fun to go downtown with grandparents. Glad they are not here to see this!

    • Michael g on September 29, 2020 at 2:10 PM
    • Reply

    Full of it. Floyd wasn’t murdered. BLM is a communist organization. The Democratic Party is the problem with, and the teacher union.

    • dofowab on October 8, 2020 at 4:07 PM
    • Reply

    lol this is how it will really go down
    trump wins: antifa and blm will keep rioting
    biden wins: antifa and blm will keep rioting

    they don’t have an agenda or message, they just want chaos and looting.

    • J on January 14, 2021 at 9:25 AM
    • Reply

    was just reading through this article, seems like you hit the mark on this, unfortunately.

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