Category: Prepping Strategies & Skills

After T-SHTF, you will have to barter to survive.

I recently read an article posted on another website which claimed that one should not rely on bartering after SHTF, or an economic collapse.  Without divulging the source of the article (professional courtesy) I would like to address why I believe this concept is flawed and why after an economic collapse or SHTF type event …

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Common Prepping Mistakes

Nobody starts out as an expert prepper or survivalist, all of us make mistakes throughout this journey.  Regardless if one is new to the game or a grizzled old vet we will still occasionally screw things up because none of us are perfect.  Our goal should be to learn from those mistakes, to grow from them and …

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Traveling for Thanksgiving, Prepper Style.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and with that there is a very good chance that many Americans will travel in order to be with family. Some 43.6 million Americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles from home for the Thanksgiving holiday, a slight increase over the 43.3 million people who traveled last year, according …

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The Priorities of Work

The S has Hit The Fan with full force, you have been forced to evacuate your home and are on the move to your Bugout location. You might be in a vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot. Most likely you are with a group of people, your immediate family and a couple close friends …

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Prepping for the short term

Yesterday I wrote about all of the Black Swans that we are collectively facing as a nation. All of the potential problems which lie ahead, some sooner than others, which by themselves or combined will have a destructive impact on the world as we know it. In addition to those Black Swans we have just …

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The value of a bicycle after SHTF


The average person can walk about 3 to 4 miles per hour, or 20 to 15 minutes per mile.  Let’s give the average person the benefit of the doubt and say they are in rather decent shape, so 15 minute miles will be our standard (walking).  According to the Commuter Analysis Report the average one …

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Ammo can ideas

Ammo Can at

Ammo cans are a prepper’s best friend. 30 cal and 50 cal seem to be the most popular variety of ammo cans although they come in all sizes.  Some time spent searching around online will yield decent prices ($9-$12 each). Besides storing ammunition there are quite few additional uses for these cans, it would seem …

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Prepper Skill: Homemade wine.

By Ranger W. Sept 25 2012 Many sites proclaim the need for skills. While I totally agree, most stop at just recommending survival or homesteading skills. If you are like me you say “ok, I’ll order a few books, then what?” Here is a practical approach to improving/adding to your skill sets. Most people living …

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The Prepper Pyramid

Prepper Pyramid from Prepper-Resources dot com

I was out for a bike ride today and pondering a good way to get across how to prioritize while prepping.  Personally I see nothing wrong with excel spreadsheets sorted and filtered for results, but those are just boring.  How could I come up with a simple graphic which quickly gives the reader a snapshot …

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Often overlooked prepping items

Beans and bullets, probably the largest and well known reference to stockpiling food and weapons when it comes to prepping.  Yet a large stockpile of these items alone will not guarantee your safety or survival if the S Hits The Fan.  The following is a short list of often overlooked items that many preppers fail …

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Apartment Prepping Considerations

According to the National Multi-Housing Council, about 34% of the US population lives in apartments.  That’s 40,119,000 renters.  If we were to include condo owners I’m sure the stat would be at least twice as large.  The point is that there are quite a few people who are prepping who share space with other individuals. …

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Two is one and one is none.

You have spent the last few years prepping for some impending disaster.  You have been diligent in your work and have a well rounded plan, you have paid attention to current events and knew it would be coming.  You have enough food and supplies to last your family for one year, possibly more.  However despite …

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Decision Making Flowchart for buying Prep Items

Prepper Decision Making Flow Chart

With respect to purchasing prepper items and the decision making process that accompanies it, I came up with this flow chart which you can print off and hang next to your desk.  While the flow chart applies specifically to men I’m sure women will appreciate it as well.  I thought to substitute this chart for …

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Are you prepared to fight…boredom?

A couple years ago I was fortunate enough to take an entire month off from work, time I spent just laying around the house being lazy, grudgingly completing a few chores for my wife or doing pretty much whatever I felt like doing.  I never set my alarm during that time because I just woke up when …

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Practical Prepping for everyday life

Much time, money and effort is spent by preppers (myself included) planning for “the big one.”  Some massive event which could occur on a local, national or global scale which would require us to go into full survival mode.  The short list of catastrophic events which are usually taken into consideration go something like this: EMP, …

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